Ever wanted to take a night-time bike ride right through the middle of Richmond? I never even considered it but now that I've done just that I really can't wait until next year. The
Anthem Moonlight Bike Ride allowed us the chance to take a scenic ride through Richmond City on a warm August night with hundreds of other bikers. This adventure started and ended at the Sports Backers Stadium. You could ride either a 8 mile or a 17 mile course that lead to and through Bryan Park and lead up and down part of Monument Ave. We opted for the 17 miles....I mean why only do it half way?
Did I mention a costume contest? |
Riders21+ were offered a free beer post race |
We finally made it!!!! |
Post race everyone got a drink, ice cream and pizza (if you got back fast enough). There was a band playing at the post race party which added to the festivities. Awesome night spent with some great friends. I already can't wait for next year :-)
Looks like Emma had the best wheels!!!