Sunday, November 11, 2012

An Attitude of Gratitude Day 11

It's true what they say.....there is NO place like home.  After a nice weekend packed with family, food and adventure I am ever so happy to be back in our humble abode.  And today, Day 11 of An Attitude of Gratitude, I'm very thankful for my little home that could.  It's not big by any means and there are times we feel like we're walking on top of each other just trying to get around.  But I wouldn't change it for the world.  Well actually I would change a few things and I have changed a lot since I moved in....but I wouldn't give up our home right now for anything.  It's my little cottage in the ghetto...haha. 

In the spring it's full of blooms

In autumn we get a new carpet of watercolors

And this year we added the fence and some
extra charm to the yard

We've decorated it a time or twenty

It's been messy at least....daily :-/

And through all of that (plus a ton more) our house is simply....our HOME.  So many wonderful things go on under our roof.  We laugh, cry, shout, argue, laugh some more and take comfort in the fact that if we need someone all we have to do is turn around....cause no doubt there isn't enough room to get out of the way!  

1 comment:

  1. I love your home! It is ALWAYS so warm and inviting! The decorations are straight out of a designer magazine! I swear you should take pictures and send them in!
